Most of us recognize it in others, and sense it when we have it or not. It comes from a root word that means to have full trust. The word “confide” means that you fully entrust information to another person because you trust that they will keep the information confidential. The word confidence is derived from the Latin word confidere, con-completely fidere – to trust.
A confident person is an assured person. They have an inner stance that expresses itself in calmness. Confident leaders effectively inspire confidence in their vision to others. Effective salespeople transfer their confidence in the value of their product to the customer.
What produces confidence?
One ingredient is preparation. A prepared person is a confident person. Preparation includes things like practice and visualization. Our conscious actions are driven by our subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and identity. If you see yourself succeeding, you are more likely to succeed.
Another ingredient of confidence is humility. A humble person of integrity is confident because they are honest and transparent. If they can answer a question, they do so with confidence. If they are unsure of the answer, they say that they are not sure, but share what they do know.
A third ingredient of confidence is having established core values that create clear boundaries. When you know who you are and where you are going, what you will do, and what you won’t do, you will demonstrate confidence. People who lack values lack confidence. They have no strong foundation that holds them steady. They are dominated by the immediate desire to please others, and consequently are fickle. Such a person lacks consistency, and others therefore lack confidence in them.
When you break promises to yourself, you undermine your self confidence. When you consistently do what you say you will do, you will develop a trust and confidence in you.
Often people engage my coaching services to help them develop confidence. Through coaching conversations, I help people discover and develop their skills, core values, and identity, which are key components of confidence. If you are ready, I am confident that I can help you!!
-Dave Beam
Dave Beam has been helping businesses for the last 25 years. He is owner and operator of a successful ActionCOACH Business Coaching franchise, and has a passion to assist business leaders create amazing outcomes. He has coached over 300 businesses and corporations over the last thirteen years.
You can learn more about Coach Dave Beam on his website:
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